Monday, 29 April 2013

Diwrnod hir yn Llanrwst - Long day in Llanrwst

Diwrnod hir allan ag ogwmpas Llanrwst.. fel y rhedwyr oedd allan in force ogwmpas y dref y bore hwnnw! Long day in and around Llanrwst today. There were runners out in force around the town for a race like us.. they were in for a wet day! 

Roedd Carwyn wedi creu llwybr o tua 30-35 milltir ar gyfer y diwrnod, ac roedd o’n awyddus i drio allan ei deiars newydd.. Nobby Nics gan Schwalbe.. rhaid i mi ddeud.. ar ôl cael sbin ar ei feic.. ma’ nhw'n deiars 'grippy', swnllyd a cyflym.  Yn anffodus, wrth reidio ei feic, ac fel roeddwn ni'n newid y ger... mi dorrodd y chaen! Wel o’n ni'n teimlo bach yn euog i ddeud y lleiaf.. Yn ffodus.. roedd gan Carwyn powerlink sbâr, nath galluogi fo rhoi'r chaen yn ôl at ei gilydd.  PHEW!! Mi fysa rhaid i ni'n dau cerdded yn ol hebddo.
Carwyn had made a route of around 30-35 mile and he was keen to try out his new tyres... Schwalbe'r Nobby Nics and I have to admit that they're both grippy, fast and noisy. As I was looking as I was having a go on Carwyns bike and while changing gear.. the chain snapped!.. luckily, Carwyn had a spare powerlink which he used to put the chain back together. PHEW!! it would have been a long walk home without it! 

Ar ôl trin y chaen.. mi aethom dros fynydd ac i lawr tuag at Capel Curig, ar ôl dilyn yr A5 am chydig.. aethom fynydd dros fynydd arall.. Lot o ddringo yma.. ac i lawr am Ddolwyddelan.  O Ddolwyddelan, mi gytunom ni i fynd ymlaen gyda dolen hirach y siwrne ymlaen am Benmachno. After fixing the chain, we followed a path that took us over a mountain and up to Capel Curig. Following the A5 for a little while, we headed right and over another mountain.. Lots of climbing here followed by a varied decent down to Dolwyddelan. We agreed to ride the longer length of the route,so ahead we went to Penmachno.

Yn anffodus, roedd y ddolen yma yn galetach nag roeddwn ni'n disgwyl. Wrth ddringo dros y mynydd o Ddolwyddelan i Benmachno.. mi ddiflannodd y llwybr mewn cors wlyb.. felly lot o wthio'r beics a traed gwlyb!
This stage of the route was much harder than we expected. By riding up the mountain from Dolwyddelan to Penmachno, the path quickly evaporates into a wet bog... so instead of riding, there was a lot of bike-hiking!

Wedi i ni gyrraedd coedwig Penmachno, mi aethom ogwmpas y mynd er mwyn ail ymuno a'r A470 ger Dolwyddelan. Erbyn i ni gyrraedd yr A470, roeddem wedi colli gormod o amser wrth gerdded drwy'r gors.. ag achos hynny, mi benderfynom ni mynd yn ôl am y car wrth feicio am Betws y Coed ac wedyn ymlaen am Lanrwst a'r car.
Once we eventually reached Penmachno forest, we rode from the valley around the mountain so that we could reach the A470 by Dolwyddelan. By the time we reached the A470 though, we'd lost too much time with all the bike-hiking over to Penmachno, so we took to the road, and headed back to Betws and then Llanrwst to the cars.

Dyma ychydig o luniau y cymerais ar y trip. Here's a few photos I took on the ride :-

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