Sunday 13 January 2013

100 Byrgyrs wedi llosgi - 100 Burgers Burned

Endonmondo tracks and keeps all of my biking statistics. I've been tracking my riding since March 2012 and in addition to being a useful tool to help trainning, Endonmondo aslo keeps some entertaining statistics. Theses statistics include how many times I've riden around the world, ridden to the Moon and last but not least, How many Burgers I've burned.. and because of the ride yesterday.. I've AT LAST burned over 100 burgers.. only the rest of all the burgers I've eaten to go!! Here's the summary of the statistics below :-

Ma Endonmondo yn cadw crynodeb o ystadegau o'n beicio i gyd. Dwi di  tracio’n beicio ers mis Mawrth 2012 ac yn ogystal ai ddefnydd fel teclyn i helpu hyfforddi, mae Endonmondo hefyd yn  cadw ystadegau digri fel faint o weithiau dwi wedi bod o gwmpas y byd, faint o weithia dwi wedi bod i'r lleuad a faint o byrgyrs dwi wedi llosgi.. ac ar ôl y trip beicio ddoe.. HWRE O’R DIWEDD dwi wedi llosgi dros 100 byrgyr.. dim ond y gweddill o'r byrgyrs dwi di byta ar ôl i losgi! Dyma grynodeb o'r ystadegau isod :-

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